
Day 4

So obviously haven't even started at day 1, but it is now day 4 of diet boot camp, almost day 5. So for a recap, started on the 15th. "Diet" entails only meat, nuts, and veggies. The reasoning behind this is to get away from all the bad sugar and carbs, but gets rid of any allergens, which are most common in dairy, wheat, and soy. Black coffee, green tea, and water are acceptable, along with olive oil.

The biggest thing with this is the cost of buying the meat, and preparation time. It takes a lot more patience, but worth it in the end. After 14 days, I can add in blueberries, and on the 19th day I have my first cheat meal plus wine! Already looking forward to that. I haven't really branched out yet in terms of different food, mostly just make ground beef, chicken, or tuna. Its hard because you cant add most condiments, just seasoning. Most recipes call for many ingredients. If you have any recipe ideas with few ingredients, send them my way!

Now I have tried this before, but never been very committed to it and stop around the 5-7 day mark. This time my goal is a month. Its not so easy when the boy can eat whatever he wants, and doesnt understand that I can only have meat and veggies haha. The first couple of days are the hardest but I already feel much better as far as energy and digestion.

Most common dinner so far: chicken stir-fry
Most missed food: eggs!

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